Monday, November 21, 2011

Ger'rout! New Ugly Things article on the Winch!

There's nothing like a new magazine article on the Winch to rouse a Winchophile from his slumber.

My apologies for the extended hiatus.

In any event, I'm pleased to say I'm back, ready to have another go.  Just ordered the Ugly Things mag featuring a  pic of the lads that I hadn't seen before!  Well done, whoever unearthed that one.

Can't wait to read the article.

Things have simmered down enough in my life that I feel confident that I can promise another post will show up in the near future.  Been listening to the boys a lot of late, so I'll have to think about which one will be up for discussion here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lollipod Minds Podcast #3 available for free download

After an unfortunate and unplanned hiatus, The Wimple Winchophile is back with a new podcast in the continuing series, Lollipod Minds (click on title of post).

In this episode, Dee Christopholus talks about:

  • Why he and the Winch eschewed the use of set lists during their gigs
  • The effects of gigging on his voice, vis-a-vis 'Atmosphere'

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lollipod Minds Podcast #2

Episode #2, in which Dee Christopholus discusses his career as an actor in the years after the Winch broke up: Hair, Jesus Christ Superstar, etc...

Lollipod Minds Podcast #1

Welcome to Lollipod Minds.  Check out podcast by clicking on "Lollipod Minds #1" above.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Still editing...

Happy New Year, all ye fans of Dimple Pinch!

I am still in the process of editing the podcast; stay tuned.